
Hi there everyone, This Blog is all about you bloggers out there. This will be about you, your experiences, your passions, your lives and everything else that you would like to talk about. You get to write a post about you and your blog (just like this).

So if you're interested please you can send your post from the Contact FORM.

You get a chance to write about yourself, but if you're stuck about what to write about this would help:

The normal template would be:

  1. Who are you?

  2. What's your blog all about?

  3. Why should visitors visit you?

  4. Conclusion

PHOTOS / VIDEOS / AUDIOS could be included (Place them in websites like imageshack.us). Photo's shouldn't violate any copyright rules and no nudity.

ADVERTS are also allowed here, but keep it to minimum.

What you need to send is the HTML format, and it will be posted in the website for everyone to see.

If you would like to update everyone you're more than welcome to send new updated posts.

Well hope to see your entries soon guys, Goodluck