Hi darls! I'm Santosuke, Editor-in-Chief (HAHA) of the always satisfying FASH Report. This is my little FAQ:
☛How would you describe yourself as a blogger?
I blog with the heart. I love traffic/visitors as much as the next guy but I never put content I don't think my readers are gonna like to please my Google AdSense or to rank higher on search engines or whatever. I don't spam people in MyBlogLog, if I tell you I love your blog is because I do and I'm not gonna link anybody who has a mediocre blog just because he gave me a link to get some cheap Technorati love. I like promoting my blog, it's such a challenge as you all know well, but I think it is possible to do it by honest and friendly ways as this one or the many social sites out there, and the key is surely to put your energy in the content. So what I mean with all this is that I'm a hard-working blogger.
☛Can you describe your blog?
FASH Report is a very carefree and shiny approach to style and what I like to call "everything fash, including You and myself". When I began I wanted it to be a place to read all the daily news about fashion, but then I realized people already had many ways of getting that info, plus I felt I needed more freedom to express myself cause that way I would give the readers something they couldn't find anywhere else, and that is totally the secret to have a faithful and always growing community of readers. Fashion is the driving thread of the blog but sometimes I just have nothing to add to what the "serious" outlets are saying so I prefer exploring other fields in order to post original (or at least with a unique twist) content.
I have fun writing and my readers reading, we're HOT as a panther!
Hugs and kisses,