Adam Donkus

The blog for Pixelheadonline, which is a general directory, is a general blog, with lots of business related posts in categories such as Web 2.0, marketing, SEO, and blogging are to name a few.

Originally, Pixelheadonline was started to be a marketing portal for Baldydog LLC, our marketing company. It was conceived about the time the Milliondollar homepage was making it big. However, since its inception, I have grown rather fond of it, since my head is seen spinning around in the header image.

Pixelhead was not my first blog, but it was the first blog that I had that was not hosted on a free service such as wordpress or blogger.The former being my prefered service, I orginally started out on with a business blog for, which was later moved to wordpress.

My next blog that I would consider to be successful was My Rectal Thermometer Blog, which is or was a humorous blog, that at one time ranked #1 for Rectal Thermometer(don't laugh, it got about 1000 hits a day when number 1). Currently changing the title of that blog, and selling off its brother or sister siteMyRectalthermoter blog.Currently, I am employed as an SEO, but also do freelance work to include design, SEO, Blog development, and web consultation.View mybloglog profile to see a few of my blogs and to join my network.