Hey hey hey!!!!! My name is Cecilia Yong. I'm from Malaysia and I'm currently living in Australia right now. Basically blogging is something I do almost everyday. I just have to blog, it's where I unclog all of my thoughts. My blog is also a method of keeping my friends that are living in Malaysia updated about my life. I'm planning to get into dental school next year and I am working my arse off to do my best in year 12. So wish me luck :D
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Cecilia Yong |
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Adam Donkus |
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Rob Campbell |
My name if Rob Campbell and you contacted me on Blog Catalouge
I author Fuel Ghoul and Hands and Feet
I have also started Roberrific
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Trina Roach |
More and more people I know are either active on platforms like MySpace or have started their own blogs. Some blog purely for the pleasure of it, others have started business blogs, while still others have made blogging their business.
I admit to having made several half-hearted attempts at blogging in the past. Somehow, though, I could never grasp the raison d'etre for a personal blog, and for the longest time couldn't find my unique voice writing a business blog.
Though I continued regularly studying business-related blogs, and dropping in to read friends' personal blogs from time to time, blogging didn't gain any real relevance for me till I found myself growing increasingly frustrated at the inflexibility of my main web page. Marketing plan aside, I found my homepage quickly lagged behind my dynamic workshop schedule, as well as concept and project development. As someone who doesn't write her own code, outsourcing every new page and pop-up to a web designer/ programmer seem like the financial version of a bottomless pit. Leaving folks to click on a grossly outdated page also wasn't the answer.
With more and more small and mid-sized companies in the US and UK making the switch to so-called "blog sites", developing a blog that can later be traded up to a blog site seemed like just the right thing. That's how Creating Tomorrow: The Blog was born!
Ok, so I'm still experimenting with finding my unique blogging voice. Several entries a week on leadership-, coaching- and presentation-related issues that catch my eye give me plenty of opportunity to smooth the rough edges. The pages function allows me to also add updated content about myself, my consultancy, and my concepts, projects and services. Anyone having a look can also access my online calendar of upcoming open workshops, information telesessions and complimentary teleseminars there.
Soon I'll be extending that platform to allow people direct access to free tips and resources, as well as sneak previews of my upcoming eBook and eCourses (yes, I've been keeping very busy!) to download. Anyone interested at the moment has to be low-tech and email me at info(at)creating-tomorrow.com.
Web Address: www.creating-tomorrow.com/blog
Subject Creating Tomorrow: Blogging It Out!
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Nathan Peterson |
Hello everyone! My name is Nathan Peterson and I am a definite rookie blogger. Unlike Bobby Revell, I am not a military brat but a Military Member of the United States Air Force. I currently live in Biloxi, MS stationed at Keesler AFB and lived hear nearly 6 years. We survived Hurricane Katrina. We evacuated to Salt Lake City. Why so far? That's where I'm originally from.
My blogs are my experiences, tips & tricks I use to make extra income on ebay and amazon. I recently graduated from Tulane University with a B.A. in Organizational Information Technology. It's basically a CS degree without all the MATH/PROGRAMMING stuff. I love researching on the internet and I would like my site to grow. I think having your own site is fun and I don't think it hurts to make a little cash along the way.
People need to check out pixelboardlive because it will show them how they can gain a profit selling online. My blog posts are information they can use to add to their income. We live in America and everyone should get a piece of the pie.
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Leave your post here |
Hi everyone, make sure that you've all read the rules (if you haven't you can read it HERE). The photos / videos / audio must be embedded from other websites, and all you can place here is the HTML codes. Once you've submitted, I'll post it up ASAP.
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Bobby Revell |
My name is Bobby Revell from Long Beach Mississippi. I was born here but was raised in Europe (military brat). I have been a writer all my life. I have written over 300 poems, hundreds of haiku, and around fifty fiction stories. Blogging has been great for me as it gives me a way to reach out to people all over the world enabling us all to share our individual expressiveness. Art to me means to honestly express yourself.
What drives me most in my work is to help along with countless others to break down barriers of race, religion and all in the way of all of us uniting as one people. My biggest, most bothersome annoyance in life is racism. I for one believe that blogging and the social networks are doing a lot to combat this ridiculous problem. I see it helping more than any other single factor in history.
I am a guitarist and I also build guitars (the art of luthiery). My main blog is Revellian and it is about many things important to me. Lots of non-fiction articles about Zen, philosophy, the mysteries of human thought to the addition of a weekly short story.
I am currently building a new horror story site and writing an original novel which I've been at for two years. My best friend John Justice and I also have site dedicated to women and their amazing contributions to this world. It is Woman: Gods Masterpiece.
I am not blogging to get rich. I would rather make good friends and really get to know people. My goal is to become a published author with books of many genres, and make a living doing it. I have met some incredibly gifted people through the web (some who I see doing great things in a historical sense) and I will talk or help anyone. Stop by any time!!!!!
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Brewster Smythe |
I am A Brewster Smythe, Founder of Blog Writers and Artists Network.
Blog Writers and Artists Network is a community of writers and artists who are passionate about the world of the blog. We have come together to expand our vision of the blogosphere. A place of joy, arts, words, and mission.
Our Network rewards members consistently, thought events, such as Interview Friday, where we highlight a chosen member, and discuss their work and life, The BWAN Art and Post AWARD, an award given weekly to the member who creates beauty, fun, and art at BWAN.
New, is the Red Envelope Frequent Blogger Award, a monetary award for our most frequent contributors.
Red Envelope Frequent Blogger Award
is obtainable each month to the member who enters the most blog entries within the announced period.
We would love to see you at Blog Writers and Artists Network , Your Place to mingle, have fun, and reduce the flow of electrical currents running through your brains!
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Cheryl Hagedorn |
Hi, I'm Cheryl Hagedorn, an author from Chicagoland. My book, PARK RIDGE: A Senior Center Murder, was released in Sept. 2006. PARK RIDGE is the first in a series of Senior Center Murders which is where my blog gets its name.
I'm old enough to be part of the Silver Tsunami and to write Geezer Lit or Little Old Lady Lit with a great deal of authority :-) That said, I belong to several online senior citizen communities such as 55-Alive, Eons, Seniors Grand Central, and I Was Twice Your Age.
I blog on different topics when I'm in those communities. I also have other blogs: Life of a Writer, Thought Garden, Crimespace, Book Place, and My Time of Life.
Originally, I thought that the Senior Center Murders blog would be where I would talk about writing the mystery series and my attempts at promotion. But as I became involved with the Chicago Writers Association, I saw that I could do a service to other writers by carrying some of those private discussions into the public arena. So I began posting writing tips and places to get published. I also blog about writing and mystery conferences, getting your book into libraries, even Print on Demand publishing.
Then I moved on to interviewing authors who had accomplished the sorts of things that I wanted to do. Nearly all the authors I've interviewed write mysteries. They've shared their thoughts on plotting, character development, and finding an agent or a publisher or a publicist.
I recently hosted the first-ever BookLocker virtual magical mystery book tour with top-selling authors, Susan Waller Miccio, Peter McGinn, and M.D. Abrams. We did a full week of personal interviews followed by a week of discussions on topics of interest to writers.
I also have a section dedicated to senior citizens. I hesitated to add it at first, but after all my books are about seniors! And I also think that a lot of seniors are reading my book. So I've done some posts on the NetSational Nets Senior Dance Team, books other than mine that are about seniors, and even a recent post on an intergenerational oral history project.
I can think of several reasons, why visitors ought to come on over and visit. First, because the interviews I conduct are thoughtful. I don't ask the questions that everybody asks an author when they show up on your doorstep. A lot of the interaction is highly-focused or topical, like the back-to-back interviews with Robert Fate and Bruce Cook on working with characters.
Second, there's a real mix of content on the site. I like to think that eclectic topics rubbing shoulders with each other promotes serendipity. As you read, your mind can make connections, say between a Library Request Form and pitching retirement communities, that wouldn't happen otherwise.
Third, I'm enthusiastic and inquisitive -- my posts show it. I'm also honest. When an author says something which I think needs to be challenged, I challenge it. By the same token, I once had a comment left by an organization which was pretty much BSP. I thought that other similar orgs should have a chance to counter that with comments of their own so I sent them email notifying them.
Senior Center Murders welcomes writers, mystery authors and mystery readers, as well as fans of Geezer Lit.
Cheryl Hagedorn
Author, PARK RIDGE: A Senior Center Murder
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Lynda Walldez |
Site name: One Day At a TimeSite
URL: http://lyndawalldez.blogspot.com
My name is Lynda Walldez. I am 21, and live in Los Angeles with my parents. I have a very philosophical point of view of everything, and can deliver an interesting debate. My interests include photography, blogging, cooking, drawing, journaling, bicycling, the piano, and the Bible.
One Day At a Time is my personal blog. I feature my best photography in every post, host my Loaded Questions meme every Wednesday, and write insightful posts about Christianity, photography, my life, art, writing, reflections of life, and the Internet. I also feature original videos, recipes, and prose. I write daily.
My blog serves as a reminder to myself to take things gradually in life because I believe everything has a process. Thus the title. My blog portrays my skills as an articulate and insightful writer with a talent for photography as well. I create poetic photography.
What makes my blog unique? I explore my inner workings as I pour my heart out to the world and try to relate to others. I write about the things that we all face on a daily basis. All in an effort to make a difference in the lives of those that need guidance, just as I do.
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Incinq |
I'm Adria, the creator of in cinq (a.k.a. the cinq drawer), a community art project blog. I'm building an online yearbook - a virtual album of stunning and unique 2-layered self portraits (contributed by people from all over the world).
Contribute your cinqpic today at incinq.blogspot.com, and get in cinq with the world.
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Welcome |
So if you're interested please you can send your post from the Contact FORM.
You get a chance to write about yourself, but if you're stuck about what to write about this would help:
The normal template would be:
- Who are you?
- What's your blog all about?
- Why should visitors visit you?
- Conclusion
PHOTOS / VIDEOS / AUDIOS could be included (Place them in websites like imageshack.us). Photo's shouldn't violate any copyright rules and no nudity.
ADVERTS are also allowed here, but keep it to minimum.
What you need to send is the HTML format, and it will be posted in the website for everyone to see.
If you would like to update everyone you're more than welcome to send new updated posts.
Well hope to see your entries soon guys, Goodluck